Provide More Information to Popularise Your Courses, Colleges Urged

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Article by: College of Career Guidance and Development

Publication date:

I read a story in a section of the press headlined, ‘minister warns on course duplication’ with interest. More interesting was a reader’s rejoinder the following day saying ‘There are no useless degrees…..”

Education stakeholders are yet to fully understand the place of career guidance and its journey through the life of every individual. Today, if you asked students of careers they know of, they struggle to count to 10, yet colleges and universities offer over 2000 courses!

What has lacked is information on the courses which makes students opt for what is familiar. Question to ponder, do colleges and universities provide the necessary information early enough to help students to make informed choices? Experience shows that often choice of courses is restricted to what students have heard, what their parents know, their friends and loads of speculation about careers that may offer them status and money!

