Must Try Superfoods for Awesome Memory


Article by: Mourine Achieng'

Publication date:

We all know the role of a healthy diet. However, most of us missed the memo on the best foods for sharp memory even though there's a wide range of superfoods that are especially good for our brain health. 

And so, to help you tackle memory loss, I present nine foods that might be just what you need to rejuvenate your brain cells. 

This list is not in any way comprehensive. If I were to write all the superfoods for awesome memory, would crash. So, let's start with what is readily available. 


Nuts (cashew, walnuts, almonds, pecans, hazelnuts, and peanuts) are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids, and vitamins B6 and Vitamin E. Studies have shown that Vitamin E prevents many types of dementia by promoting brainpower. 

As sources of plant protein, nuts contain monounsaturated fats that have been shown to reduce the chances of heart disease. Omega-3 fatty acids promote heart health and healthier brain cells. Studies show that almonds and walnut are especially great for the nervous system and the brain.

Beans and legumes

Beans are known for a lot of things, just not boosting memory. It will shock you to know that beans and legumes are known as brain boosters because they are rich in folate, which is important for brain function. They also contain essential omega fatty acids. 

Our brain depends on glucose to function at an optimum level. Beans facilitate this function by stabilizing glucose levels in the blood and minimizing the risk of a sugar rush. 


Every Kenyan reading this must be smiling at the mention of avocado. Avocado holds a special place in our hearts for reasons best known to us. And I think with this new revelation on its role in improving memory, we have an even better reason to have our avocados under lock and key. 

Avocados are a source of omega-6 fatty acids, omega-3 and monounsaturated fats. This superfood increases blood flow to the brain and lowers cholesterol. Avocado is packed with antioxidants that protect the body and brain against the risk of free radical attack. Avocado is a source of vitamin K and potassium, nutrients that protect the brain from the risk of stroke. 


Sulforaphane found in broccoli improves brain performance. Broccoli is also a source of calcium, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin K, fiber, and iron. These nutrients are instrumental in promoting the smooth flow of blood and protecting the brain against free radicals and metals that threaten brain optimum function. 

Dark chocolate

Cocoa, the main ingredient in dark chocolate, contains high levels of vitamin C and a particular type of flavonoid that is both an antioxidant and a natural stimulant. The flavonoid in dark chocolate improves blood vessel function, which in turn increases focus, memory, and concentration. Flavonoids promote general cognitive function. 

Chocolate also enhances your mood and eases pain.

While chocolate is good for fighting memory loss, you must take it in moderation. The recommendation is around 30-60 grams per day. Yes! It's not healthy to eat a whole chocolate bar in a day leave alone in one sitting. 


You might have dismissed spinach as a local vegetable with little to offer, but it's one of the superfoods that you shouldn't miss in your diet. Spinach delays dementia; it helps reduce the effect of brain ageing. The nutrients in the vegetable promote the healthy growth of new cells and impede tumor growth. 


Tomato is yet another option to help improve your memory. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is rarely found in other foods. Lycopene improves mood, minimizes the risk of dementia, and boosts your memory. 

Cooked tomatoes change the lycopene to cis-lycopene form, which helps the body absorb the tomato's nutrients easily. Eating tomatoes is super important for your health because research shows people with Alzheimer's exhibit deficiency in lycopene.  


Chia is a powerful seed that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. As a brain booster, chia provides energy and stamina for the brain to function at its best. Chia contains antioxidants, control blood glucose levels, and helps in hydration. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. 


Eating berries helps keep your body and mind strong because they contain antioxidants, compounds, and fiber. Blueberries, in particular, are known to boost memory and minimize the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's. A mere cup of strawberries packs a full-day supply of vitamin C, which contains skin-firming properties.
