Corporate Gifting Solutions for Business Success

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Article by: BrandVoice

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In the corporate world, gifts are given to cement relationships with clients, prospective clients, and employees. These relationships in turn facilitate the exchange of goods and services through which companies make money. However, other than the human resource benefits of digital gifting, there are countless other benefits to corporate gifting.

Corporate gifting solutions for stronger relationships

Corporate gifting solutions can be used alongside marketing strategies to build stronger client relationships which, in turn, lead to greater revenue generation. In itself, a gift is a sign of goodwill towards the receiver. When a prospective customer receives, say, a Christmas gift from you, they will probably think of your business first the next time they need to buy something. The gift establishes a natural bond of friendship.

Giftpesa e-vouchers are perhaps the best corporate gifting solutions provider in Kenya today. With a digital voucher that does not expire and that you can track, Giftpesa gives you the freedom to choose everything about the sort of gift voucher you intend to send. However, all e-vouchers are easy to redeem, have multiple points of use, and allow partial withdrawal.

Greater motivation for employees

If your problem is motivating your employees, corporate gifting solutions like Giftpesa can help you out. Sometimes, all an employee wants is the right kind of incentive to deliver the best results. You can make your motivational gifting a special event in which everyone participates, or even as an end-of-year bash highlight. Everyone will be raring to come back to work. A special employee reward scheme can also be used to promote healthy competition between employees, which will further boost the company’s productivity.

With a flexible rate of redemption as well as partial withdrawal options, the Giftpesa corporate gifting solution allows you to make the reward as high or as modest as you want.

Corporate gifting for business growth

Businesses use corporate gifting solutions to nurture relationships with their stakeholders. In the corporate world, it is always important to do your homework. Many offices have rules against quid pro quo exchange of gifts and favours, which is quite common. As such, it is important to learn as much about the other party as possible to avoid offending anyone.

You can even send a request first, enquiring about the gifting policies where the receiver works. Only when given the thumbs up may you proceed with sending the e-voucher. Otherwise, the gift might end up being ineffective, or even offensive to the receiver. With Giftpesa, you get the opportunity to further accompany your gift with a special message.

Ensure that your tone is friendly and accommodating to further enhance the effectiveness of your gift. In standard practice, a warm hello, well wishes, and invitation to enjoy the gift is good enough. But don’t be afraid to alter the message for different recipients. Trust your gut but go with what the receiver is most likely to enjoy.

Corporate gifting to help seal the deal

Used correctly, digital corporate gifting solutions can also help you to score deals with prospective customers. It smoothens the way for you, proving to the prospective client that you mean business. As mentioned before, be careful to avoid accusations of using digital vouchers to bribe. For example, if it’s a closed tender situation, breaking the anonymity of the whole process to send a gift would be ill-advised. It is more likely to get you disqualified.

Giftpesa works best as a corporate gifting solution when it comes to convincing prospects who are on the fence about you. Even if it’s not the gift itself that will convince them, the gesture of friendship could very easily win you a great customer.

Even though corporate gifting may not be advisable as your entire marketing plan, it is a great idea to consider using it as part of the marketing mix. Especially when it comes to relationship building, corporate gifting goes a long way in establishing your business in the mind of the customer.

In many cases, you don’t even have to make the voucher amount very big for the gift to be efficient. It is never really about amounts. In many cases, it is the thought that counts – and the added flexibility of a Giftpesa e-voucher.
